Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes (EDS) & Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders (HSD)
Providing Support & Resources about Connective Tissues Disorders:

"Dr. Randall Brewer, a native of Shreveport, Louisiana, graduated from Louisiana State University Medical School in 1993. Dr. Brewer underwent post-graduate training in Neurology at Emory University and Anesthesiology at Duke University. Following a fellowship in Pain Medicine at the Mayo Clinic Florida, Dr. Brewer joined the faculty of Duke University in 2001. Since 2004 Dr. Brewer has been in clinical practice in Shreveport, Louisiana and maintains academic appointments at Duke University and Louisiana State University, where he routinely lectures in the areas of Pain Medicine and clinical Neuroscience in the Department of Neurology and the Medical school. He has also served on the Scientific Review and Guidelines Committee for the American Academy of Pain Medicine and serves as a delegate of the AAPM for the North American Spine Society Low Back Pain Guidelines committee. Earlier this year Dr. Brewer was the recipient of the Distinguished Service Award through the American Academy of Pain Medicine at the AAPM 35th Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado. The honor recognizes an individual every year for commitment and contributions to the American Academy of Pain Medicine."