Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes (EDS) & Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders (HSD)
Providing Support & Resources about Connective Tissues Disorders:

Interested in Volunteering?
EDS Louisiana is a 501 (c) (3) and is made up entirely of volunteers. Together we work to fulfill our mission to support, educate and increase awareness throughout Louisiana and beyond. It is our hope that our efforts will result in better care for our Zebra community.
We are a growing organization and truly appreciate when others offer their time and talents to help us. We have both small and large tasks needing to be done, so you can be sure there is something for everyone! Our goal is to help you find an area that you will enjoy serving in.
Like a body, made of many different parts, we acknowledge that we all have our own unique strengths. We are learning to work together, each doing our own parts, yet working connectively, to reach a common goal and mission.
Volunteer Work
There are a variety of opportunities to serve our Zebra community. Our hope is that we can match these opportunities with those who have the skills and desire to support the vision of EDS Louisiana. Together we are stronger!
Opportunities may include but are not limited to the following:
Event Support
Care Package Facilitator
Support Group Leadership
Social Media Support
Web Design
Physician List Coordination
Education Facilitator
Fund Raising
Grant Writing